-- Ken Wilber, One Taste: Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality
"What just happened?" I found myself wondering one day last summer as Romeo showed another sign of decline. At the time, my habitual reaction to a new piece of evidence on his dementia path was to let out a yelp or scream, a sort of wringing of the hands with fear and anger, a denial of cosmic proportions.
However, I had just experienced a completely new reaction, a completely new way to relate to another dementia dive. On that day, you see, Romeo was unable to tie his own shoes for the first time. Every part of me wanted to scream, "Noooooo!" Every part of me wanted to protest, "##@@&&%%%!" Every part of me wanted to put my fist through the nearest wall with all my force. "Freakin' no! Romeo can't tie his shoes!"
Instead, something completely unexpected happened. Instead of verbalizing my frustration and anger, like usual, at Romeo losing yet another ability, I noticed a heightened sense of awareness in me. I felt both my Witness or Spirit as well as my egoistic self. That's happened before. So what was different this time?
The difference was that this time, the Witness and the ego had changed places. The Witness usually watches from outside of my body. It watches the ego, which operates my body. The Witness watches the ego carrying on with its drama, the ego moving my arms and legs, facial muscles, my entire body.
The difference was that this time, the ego was not in control of the body. This time, the ego did not make my body scream, "Noooooo!" This time, the ego did not make my body protest, "##@@&&%%%!" This time, the ego did not make my body want to put my fist through the nearest wall with all my force. This time, the ego did not make me say out loud, "Freakin' no! Romeo can't tie his shoes!"
The difference was that this time, the Witness was present inside of my body. It was not merely a Witness residing outside of it. This time, the Witness and the ego had changed places. The ego was now outside of my body.
I as the Witness watched calmly as the ego went through its drama, which was visible only to the Witness. I as the Witness waited patiently until the ego was done. Then I as the Witness calmly turned to Romeo and hugged him. I as the Witness calmly told Romeo how much I loved him. I as the Witness fell to my knees in front of Romeo and lovingly tied his shoes for him. I as the Witness felt love exploding from every cell in my body, finally understanding the honor to serve Romeo in this way, to be able to tie Romeo's shoes for him.