A True Story of Balancing Loss and Life With Dementia

Featuring Romeo and Juliet Archer

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What Is Dementia?

I've often heard that there are as many types of dementia as there are people. I believe that's true. Dementia isn't so much a disease but a group of symptoms that affect cognitive functions.

Romeo's symptoms mess with his thought processes, reasoning, memory, attention, language, and problem-solving and learning capabilities. It also affects his sense of balance, motor skills, and vision.

I'll end here with a short annotated list of links that discuss some of the common symptoms of dementia:

Alzheimer's Association
Although Romeo does not have Alzheimer's, these 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's describe the specific types of memory loss that affect Romeo.

Mayo Clinic
A brief definition of dementia. Be sure to click on "Symptoms" at the end of the second paragraph for a brief list.

Scroll through the page to see a list of symptoms that typically show up in the various stages of dementia. Romeo shows all the signs of early dementia and moderate dementia. Of the symptoms listed in severe dementia, Romeo has uncontrollable movements; is  incontinent much of the time; does not recognize some friends; needs help with using the toilet, washing, and dressing; and has difficulty in walking and getting around -- he's confined to a wheelchair most of the time, getting up once or twice a day for a short walk.