The only answer to why there aren't any blog posts by Romeo is simply: he can't put the words together, he can't find the words to say more than a phrase or two, and even those are largely incoherent.
It takes much time for me to pull information out of him. What I manage to "catch" must also then be sifted -- is it really what he means? is he remembering it correctly? is it true, or does it come from Dementiaville?
So that's why his words on this blog are limited to only a few. It's how he speaks, it's what is real. He couldn't write an entire post, he lacks the thought processes to think in terms of an entire post, and he has no desire to sort out his thoughts and words because he gets lost in the random jumble of them. The only way out for him is to jump out of the thought process completely, to abandon it, to leave it as his personality is surely leaving him.
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