A True Story of Balancing Loss and Life With Dementia

Featuring Romeo and Juliet Archer

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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Caregiver Pulls the Queen of Cups

You don't have to go looking for love
when it's where you come from.

-- Werner Erhard

Cards featured in previous posts:
The Emperor on a Caregiver's Path
The Tower and the Caregiver
The Fool's Journey With Dementia

Another day, another tarot card. Today the Queen of Cups jumped out of the deck to share her wisdom as it relates to my life.

This interpretation of the Queen of Cups is from The Tarot Directory, by Annie Lionnet:

A readiness to express your innermost feelings to the world is the message of the Queen of Cups. Someone who embodies her qualities may play a significant role in your life, or you may be ready to embrace these attributes for yourself. You may be about to start a project that gives your creative or artistic skills great expression, or to embark on a relationship that is warm, loving, and sensual. This card suggests that you are tuned into the promptings of your unconscious mind and the inspiration that springs from within. Your foresight and maturity will help you to make choices that are beneficial to you. Your ability to know how you are feeling acts as a strong harmonious influence that others find endearing.

And from Tarot for Yourself: A Workbook for Personal Transformation, by Mary K. Greer:

The Queen of Cups channels feelings, emotions, dreams, visions. She is the Muse, the Enchantress. She is psychic and deeply emotional, fluctuating like the moon in her emotions. She must be near water and reflects the unconscious in others. She is usually empathetic and understanding, but can be moody and deceitful. Love of love.

Questions to Answer: Who wants to protect you and shower you with affection? How are you working with or expressing your unconscious? How are you expressing your emotions? Who is insipring you with their dreams and openness?

Sample Affirmation: I recognize the depth of my emotions and my ability to attract and enchant those around me.

Finally, from The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols, by Angeles Arrien:

The Queen of Cups represents the responsibility of communicating your feelings accurately during the water sign months of Pisces (February 21-March 21), Cancer (June 21-July 21), and Scorpio (October 21-November 21), or to water sign people in your life. The Queen of Cups also requires that you reflect yourself honestly as you make changes or give birth to new identities, new forms, new talents, or new life styles. It is important that you express yourself authentically to water sign people and in the water sign months as you make these changes or give birth to new parts of your life. As a visual affirmation, the Queen of Cups empowers an individual to express feelings honestly and responsibly.

Oh boy, am I in joyful trouble...how can these cards be so right all the time?!!!

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