A True Story of Balancing Loss and Life With Dementia

Featuring Romeo and Juliet Archer

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dumped in Dementiaville

The three women who shared a dining room table with Romeo have dumped him.

Yep, they don't want him to sit at their table any more. These women who giggled at his every word, flirting like schoolgirls, don't want him at their table. These women who fussed over him, making sure he has everything he needs, want him to move. These women who wiped up his spills and messes, who waited on him, who hovered around him, asked that he be moved to another table. These women are done with him.

I conducted an investigation to find out why this happened, how this happened, why Romeo's former dining partners want him gone. It shocked me, and it hurt me. (See previous post about Romeo's dining room partners at Dining Room Harem in Dementiaville.)

Romeo believes that the reason he isn't sitting with his harem any longer is because "the powers that be," as he refers to the nursing staff, want it that way. The real story, which I will not tell him, is that the women don't like:
  • what he eats (he's vegetarian -- what's offensive about that?!).
  • that when he eats, he makes a mess on the floor, himself, the table (so?...they don't have to clean it up).
  • that he asks them the same questions over and over again about his food (well, yes, it's part of his dementia).
That's it. Those are the reasons why they want him moved. I did not, will not tell him this. It would probably break his heart. And for me? It set off a long afternoon of crying. How could they not want him around for those silly reasons? How could anyone not want to be in the company of my Romeo? How could they have been so devoted to him and then suddenly change? Whatever would I tell Romeo? Would I ever stop crying about this? And why does it hurt so much?

The nursing staff plans to keep moving him from table to table until they find a good fit for him, find people that he's compatible with. Ah, the thought comes to me that I can tell him that they're moving him around because a lot of people want him to sit at their tables and the best way to make them all happy is to move him periodically to the different tables.

Romeo is satisfied with this answer. Phew! Another disaster averted in Dementiaville.

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