"I love you."
"Yes...I love you." His voice broke, as if he were about to cry. I was concerned.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes...I love you."
"Oh, my sweet man."
"And I want to tell you something else. I want to tell you, Juliet, that I love you inside and out." Another break in his voice, caught up with emotion. "Where are you?"
"I'm waiting for the SUV. It's in for an oil change."
"I'm coming to see you after it's done."
"Oh. The reason why I said I love you inside and out is because..."
More cracks in his voice, emotions seeping through, and now my eyes wet.
"...you know that I love who you are as a person, the inner you."
"But I also want you to know that you are beautiful on the outside, too. I love you."
Tears from both of us now.
"Romeo," I said while laughing and crying at the same time, "do you think we'll ever be able to tell each other how much we love the other without crying?"
"No." Laughter and tears from him now. "I'll see you in a little while, then?"
"Yes, Romeo. In a little while. Until then, I love you."
Laughter now from the both of us. Laughter and love, from the both of us, to each other.
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