"He asked for sunblock today."
"Oh, did he want to sit outside on the sun deck?" It was, after all, a gorgeous day.
"No." She hesitated and then said, "He said he was packing to go to the Bahamas and needed to take some sun block."
"Oh my."
"We thought maybe you were going to the Bahamas and he thought he was going, too."
"No, I'm not going anywhere right now." I had, however, planned a trip to India but decided to put it off due to various developments with Romeo and in other areas of my life. But certainly no trip to the Bahamas.
I said to her, "Well, at least it's a happy delusion."
She agreed.
Romeo hasn't told me about his upcoming "trip" to the Bahamas, and I never asked him about it, nor do I plan to. He may not remember, and my guess is that he probably doesn't since he hasn't brought it up. If I brought it up, he would immediately suspect strongly that there was yet another lapse in his memory, and that would worry him, cause anxiety. Sometimes in Dementiaville, it's best to let things be.
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